

and i am still awake.
i had this illustration board with a painting of female soldier, holding two babies, one wrapped with iraq flag and one wrapped with united states flag. i did it before senior year was over just for fun during ap art class i believe. it was supposed to be 'time' magazine cover or something...
i decided to cover it with gesso and do new piece based on 'dream.' but somehow, i just started to doodle on it and came out with these two people.

bigger person looks like....i don't know, even i can't tell for sure that person is female or male. but that's how i usually draw so i don't care. haha. i am not completely sure if i am going to keep this or not, but we will see how far i will get with this one :D

oh yeah, i can still kind of see that 'time' magazine cover i painted behind that thin gesso cover haha.

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